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The Magic of the Moon

The Magic of the Moon by W1tchsbrew

Be sure to check her Etsy shop Wood ov Wyrd

Witches in Greek and Roman literature, particularly those from Thessaly, were regularly accused of “drawing down the Moon” by use of a magic spell. 

In ancient indigenous cultures, the moon has always held a special place and was worshiped for its rhythms of life and the universe. Just as we move through different phases in life, so does the moon – every month. No matter if the moon can be seen or not, it is always with us.

The moon, like the sun and the five planets visible to the naked eye, was wrapped into the mythology of many ancient cultures, and considered a deity by some. 

To the Egyptians, it was Thoth, to the Greeks, Artemis, and to the Hindus, Chandra.

However, the Moon is still very much recognized for its power in modern day science as well.

One power source already in operation relies on the moon’s gravitational pull to spin its generators. Tidal power plants arranged like hydroelectric dams have been around for decades. They trap water during high tide and then, during low tide, release it through turbines.


There is undeniably a natural rhythm to the universe, whether it’s the seasons or something more cosmic…such as the phases of the Moon. 

We know the Moon’s gravitational pull causes predictable rises and falls in sea levels. And with our bodies being primarily made up of water, it makes sense that we can also benefit from the phases of the Moon on a much smaller scale.

It’s long been believed that the moon can affect your mood. It’s certainly true that environmental factors can play a part in a person’s mood swings and act as a trigger for anxiety and depression.

There is a belief common to many cultures that working rituals at the time of different phases of the moon can bring about physical or psychological change or transformation. 

The Moon and the lunar cycle are associated, mainly, with the emotions (even madness), the subconscious and dreams, fertility, transformation, manifestation and repeating or ending cycles.

Different moon phases can impact people in different ways. 

Some may experience dramatic mood swings – from passionate or creative to combative or anxious. 

Additionally, you may find that some moon cycles seem to benefit your energy more than others. For example, while getting to your ideal REM state wasn’t an issue during the new moon, you may experience restlessness during the full moon – or vice versa.

Everyone is different and your connection to the moon is entirely personal. While some sort of affect, (anything, from one’s mood – to appetite or sleep changes) is more than typical, what specific differences you may notice depend entirely on your own energy and your own current state of being. 

Whether or not the lunar cycle affects you in a negative or positive way very much relates to whether or not you are connecting with its energy, or combating it.

This is why many people engage in monthly “Moon rituals” to get in alignment with the cycles of nature in order to gain perspective and reconnect with themselves.

Moon rituals are an ancient practice that is still done today. They originated in places like Egypt and Babylonia in cultures that worshiped the moon. Today, moon rituals create a sacred space for you to focus inward, set intentions, spread love, and feel empowered.

This video has been very, very, very long in the making and I am so excited to finally be getting it out to you all! One of the most important magickal connections we have as witch’s is the moon. It’s influence can be seen in almost all areas of life and thus it can be a powerful partner in spellwork! In this video I covered each phase including the new moon, the waxing moon, the full moon, the waning moon, and the dark moon as well as more information on the general workings with and of the moon!


Astrologers, witches, and mystics alike can all agree on the power of the Moon. It’s one of the two luminaries in our sky (alongside the Sun) and an incredibly potent tool for manifestation and magic.

Tapping into the Moon’s energy cycles means connecting to the energy of openness, healing, renewal, intuition and wisdom. It can bring awareness to rhythms and patterns within our your body, mind, heart, and spirit.

The Moon’s entire cycle is around 29+ days, in which it goes from a new Moon to a full Moon and back again. These changes in phases indicate a change in energy.

Waxing Moon Energy:

When the Moon is waxing (growing), it is said to be an ideal time to manifest what you want.

Waning Moon Energy:

When it is waning (shrinking), it is the ideal time of the month for letting go and cleansing.

Full Moon Energy:

Cosmically speaking, the full Moon is the time of the month where energy peaks and then releases, like a “cosmic sigh.”

The Moon rules over the subtle, subconscious, and intuitive aspects of the self, and its wax and wane reflect our own.

Connecting with the phases of the Moon as an implementation to one’s self-care routine has been claimed to aid in delving into emotions and intuition. 

When we align ourselves with the energy of the moon, we’re tapping into an ancient energy current. One simple way to do this is by practicing moon rituals. 

 From meditation to setting intentions, there are many different moon rituals and practices – some of which are still very commonly practiced by modern day witches and mystics. 

From new moons and eclipses to blue moons and the super moon, there are ample opportunities for the moon to influence our emotions and thoughts. Many believe our emotional potency is heightened during a super moon, while a new moon can bring change and new perspectives. Knowing when and how to use that power is key.

In Moon Magic, you’ll learn how the lunar phases influence our emotions and well-being differently and how to harness that power for healing, emotional strength, and physical and mental wellness. Third-generation intuitive Diane Ahlquist helps guide those new to the power of the moon through lunar recipes and simple exercises, such as intention setting and moon meditation to help you capitalize on the moon’s inherent power and channel the moon’s energy whenever you need it most.

Manifesting intentions:

It is believed that just after the new Moon cycle, when the Moon’s crescent works back towards the full Moon, is the best time to set an intention. 

Some good advice is to start small, like a ripple on the surface of the ocean, and carry it forward everyday incrementally.

Meditate on your goals or write out your dreams and desires. The New Moon is an auspicious time to do this because of what appears to be the “empty” nature of the darkened sky can be filled with the light of your intentions.

You can keep your writings in a book to reflect on, or write them on something biodegradable (such as a bay leaf) and bury it under the moon.

Making Moon Water:

You can create Moon water by leaving water outdoors to charge under moonlight, or even by setting it on your windowsill (obviously opening any curtains so as to allow the moonlight in).

Because the Moon affects the ocean’s tides, there’s already an energetic connection between the element of water and the Moon. When you add intention (and maybe a crystal or two) you can create a tool that can be used for everything from watering your plants or adding it to your ritual bath, to cleansing your home or workspace (simply put some of your moon water in a small spray bottle, or dampen a light cloth, and you’re good to go).


The time leading up to a full Moon can often make people moody, sensitive, and fatigued. It is helpful to use this time to pause and ask yourself how you are feeling physically and mentally.

Are you eating as much as you should? Are you getting enough sleep? 

How are your relationships and/or career? 

Being in tune with your feelings will help you stay grounded and help you efficiently make positive changes. The full Moon is the perfect time to look inward and re-calibrate.

Meditation and reflection:

Meditation offers the perfect opportunity to sit with your thoughts and reflect. Use the energy of the full Moon, when emotions often come to the surface, for some meditative introspection. 

There are many guided meditations online you can tune in to for some guidance if needed and it can take as little as 5 minutes of your time to meditate – by far, worth it.

Harness the power of the magical, mystical, glorious Moon with more than 100 spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon.
The Moon is one of our most prominent and ancient symbols. It has shaped how we understand and track time, its movement controls the tides, and its rise into the sky signals the coming of night. The distinct phases of the lunar cycle have associations with different states of being. These states mirror a kind of spiritual quest which, like our search for ourselves, never ends. When we observe the Moon, we see reflections of the grand pattern of life that is birth, death, and rebirth.
With this invaluable handbook filled with enchantingly beautiful illustrations, follow the Moon as she traverses each sign of the zodiac and discover how each astrological phase affects magic—and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. The discussions include the influence of the seldom-discussed energies of the Blue Moon, the Black Moon, and lunar eclipses.

Energy cleansing:

Cleaning your physical space helps to clear out any negative energy, making room for what you are asking to come in. Clear your home of any trash, clutter or things that no longer bring you joy. 

Open the windows to let fresh air in. Wipe down surfaces, put on clean bed sheets or water your plants. 

Some people will also perform a smudging ceremony cleanse the negative energy in the air.

It is sometimes recommended to preform these cleanses during or just after the new Moon in order to prepare for the manifesting, waxing-moon phase.

Giving thanks:

Celebrating and being thankful is amplified with moon energy and can have positive effects on your body, mindset, and can help you to manifest your future wants and dreams.

Giving thanks to the Moon can be as simple as speaking your thanks aloud, under the night sky. Another option is to write your thanks down in your journal to reflect on, or onto something that you can bury outside, such as a bay leaf.

Giving thanks does not require a specific moon cycle. However, it’s often set as a new moon or full moon ritual as these lunar phases are all about fresh cycles, continuing positive cycles, and releasing that which no longer serves us.

Leaving offerings:

Deities of many cultures are often left offerings under the light of the full or new moon. These offerings vary, from certain foods, herbs, and mead to feathers, candles or hair, depending on which deity you’re offering to. In order to fully learn which types of offerings would be considered appropriate for your deity, you would certainly have to get to know the deity themselves in depth, to understand their preferences.

The Fae (fairies) are often left similar offerings during major moon cycles as a token of friendship or as a trade for a wish.

A few of the many deities who are commonly associated with moon offerings are:


  • Hecate
  • Artemis
  • Selene
  • Nyx


  • The Morrigan 
  • Ceridwen 


  • Thoth 
  • Iah
  • Khonsu


  • Diana
  • Luna


  • Mano


  • Chandra 


  • Mawu 


  • Devana 

Charging crystals:

Bathe your crystals in the light of the moon. Each phase of the moon will bring a different energy to the charging of your crystals. 

For example, during the waning phase of the moon, you can expect an energy of release, as the moon is changing from its full moon phase to new moon phase (shrinking).

Similarly, charging your crystals under the full moon doesn’t mean they will work “better” – it simply means that the energy from the full moon (energy such as inner alignment, passion, etc’) will influence your crystal(s) in a slightly different way. As it is a common misconception, it’s important to notate that there is no rule, requirement or need to put crystals out under the full moon. Any moon phase will do just fine and is simply dependent on what type of energy you’re wanting to charge your crystals with. 


The Moon’s energy is potent and powerful – just as we are, if we choose to believe it. It can be used as a way to connect more deeply with ourselves, our feelings and our intuition. 

Some believe that moon magic is one of the most holistic ways to keep your body in good health. 

Each Moon phase presents us with an opportunity to either manifest, reflect, take action or rest. Living in tune with the Moon is completely natural, allows us to be more mindful and helps us to harness the energy of it’s phases.

Often with the frantic pace of our modern-day lives, it’s hard to find the time to connect with nature. That’s why turning to the Moon phases can help you connect to something deeper and sometimes give you a new outlook.

“Only in darkness can we glimpse the fullest light our soul carries for us.” 

~ Angie Weiland-Crosby

Further Resources:

Today we are talking about lunar witchcraft and working magic with the moon – for spiritual people, witchcraft practitioners, and even magical skeptics.

The Universe: Mind-Boggling Mysteries of the Moon

Moon Mysteries

The Moon Power Boxed Set: Featuring: Moon Spells and Moon Magic

21st Century Atlas of the Moon

The Book of the Moon: A Guide to Our Closest Neighbor

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