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The Tarot Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands

The Tarot Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands by W1tchsbrew

Be sure to check her Etsy shop Wood ov Wyrd


The Suit of Wands all about fiery, creative energy. Whatever you’re about to begin, you couldn’t have hoped for better starting conditions. If you stay focused on your goal, there’s no way you will lose this race.

Metaphysical Correspondences:

Element: Fire

Zodiac Signs : AriesLeo & Sagittarius

Healing Crystals : Carnelian

Get To Know The Minor Arcana Suit of Wands:

Tarot Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Upright: The Ace of Wands tarot card brings a message of courage and vitality. If you’ve been struggling with a situation you believed to be hopeless, you are suddenly discovering untapped reservoirs of optimism and resolve.

Reversed: When reversed, the Ace of Wands tarot card points to a moment of confusion. Here, it’s important to keep your head on your shoulders. Your confusion could arise from having too many choices at once. The reversed Ace of Wands also suggests that something is about to come to an end. But that’s not always a bad thing.

Tarot Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Upright: The Two of Wands is a card of accomplishment, opportunity, and risk. Working out all the details and keeping the big picture in mind will do much to tip the scales in your favor. This tarot card also suggests that you have made a commitment to bettering your life and to stay the course.

Reversed: When the Two of Wands is reversed, it’s a good time to review your priorities and long term goals. On a broader scale, the reversed Two of Wands challenges you to examine and overcome your fears. It encourages you to take risks that will profit you in all aspects of your life.

Tarot Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Upright: When the Three of Wands appears upright in a tarot reading, its meanings speak of taking pride in your own strength, learning through experience, and discovering new opportunities.

Reversed: When the Three of Wands tarot card is reversed, it’s a sign the Universe is about to put the breaks on everything. Take a step back and reflect. Your sense of disappointment could be justified. On the other hand, what’s happening may be a blessing in disguise.

Tarot Four of Wands

Four of Wands 

Upright: When you see this card upright in a tarot reading, happiness and joy are right around the corner! The Four of Wands also marks a significant milestone in your personal development. Depending on what your emotional and spiritual needs are, you are about to enter a state of liberation or stability.

Reversed: Sometimes, the Four of Wands card reversed announces a minor delay. It can also suggest that a joyful experience is temporary. But that even if it’s only temporary, it can still be beautiful.

Tarot Five of Wands

Five of Wands 

Upright: This tarot card urges you to prioritize and delegate. When upright, the Five of Wands suggests that you need to become more organized. This card also reminds you to not take things personally. No one means any real harm. 

Reversed: When reversed, the Five of Wands tarot card can also show a period of quiet after a recent turmoil. Now is your chance to regroup and recharge.

Tarot Six of Wands

Six of Wands 

Upright: The Six of Wands not only shows that you are getting the recognition you deserve, it also suggests that your actions inspire others. This tarot card also encourages you not to let fear or misplaced feelings of guilt stand in the way of your success.

Reversed: When reversed, the Six of Wands tarot card cautions that it may be a bit too early to celebrate. It may also suggest that the success of a project you’ve been working on may not be as big as you hoped and to stay grounded.

Tarot Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Upright: When the Seven of Wands tarot card presents itself upright in a tarot reading, it’s a sign that now is your chance to show the world what you’re made of! Others can learn a lot from you. This tarot card also indicates an important inner victory.

Reversed: When the Seven of Wands card is reversed, it warns you that you may be sabotaging yourself. This reversal may also be reminding you that quick action is needed before a potential crisis spirals out of control.

Tarot Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Upright: When you see the Eight of Wands in a reading, it may suggest that travel may be in your near future. It could be for business trip or that long overdue vacation. The Eight of Wands card could also be an indication of rapid progress. Just be careful not to overlook important details, if you’re in a rush to get things done.

Reversed: When reversed, the Eight of Wands tarot card points out that a situation cannot progress because important issues still need to be resolved. Sometimes it suggests that you are stuck in thinking or behavior patterns that are holding you back.

Tarot Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands 

Upright: This tarot card reassures that you are ready for anything that’s headed your way. Whatever challenges are coming, you already know what they are – and you’re ready for them.

Reversed: When reversed, the Nine of Wands points to obstacles and delays which are often self-created. Maybe you’ve been putting things off for too long, and now your problems have become too numerous and too big to handle on your own. Reversed Nine of Wands suggests that you may need to reach out to others for help, and that’s ok.

Tarot Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Upright: The Ten of Wands is a card of success in all things. However it’s also a reminder that there is more to life than work – and that success is not always about you. 

Reversed: When reversed, this tarot card suggests that you need to decide which burdens to carry and which burdens you need to drop. Know your limits and set boundaries. 

Tarot Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Upright: The Page of Wands looks at the world with childlike enthusiasm and optimism. It often suggests new beginnings or looking at the world from a brand new perspective. This card card may also be indicating that you may embark on a quest for spiritual knowledge.

Reversed: When reversed in a tarot reading, the Page of Wand’s childlike disposition can create feelings of confusion or discouragement when faced with obstacles and opposition. Reversed Page of Wands may also point to an immature or simplistic way of looking at things. The Page’s youthful mind reduces everything to its most basic concepts.

Tarot Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

Upright: When the Knight of Wands tarot card presents itself in a tarot reading, it’s a sign that the road is clear, you know exactly where you’re headed and you can trust your instincts implicitly. Maybe a sudden insight or event is encouraging you to make a life changing decision. New opportunities have come your way, or you’re seeing opportunities you didn’t see before.

Reversed: When reversed, this card suggests that you may be rushing into something that could seriously jeopardize a friendship, relationship – or job. Take your time and think things through before making any important decisions.

Tarot Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Upright: The Queen of Wands tarot card embodies creativity, abundance, and fiery passion. This card predicts that you have an ability to see beauty in everything, which allows you to create beauty everywhere. Be passionate in all you do and your passion will inspire others in turn.

Reversed: The reversed Queen of Wands can indicate that certain boundaries have been violated. There are just some lines you should never, ever cross. It may also be a reminder to recharge your emotional batteries every once in a while.

Tarot King of Wands

King of Wands

Upright: An upright King of Wands tarot card symbolizes pure heat and energy. This can be a blessing and a curse. Be sure to direct your energy to the right areas of your life, lest the fire leave you burnt out. 

Reversed: When reversed, the King of Wands cautions you that you need to pay closer attention to how you come across when dealing with people. Try to look at the situation from other’s perspectives so that you can learn to better connect.

What It Takes:

These are extremely brief descriptions of The Suit of Wands tarot cards. To fully utilize the art of tarot with confidence takes much time and extensive learning. It is strongly advised that you do further personal research and dive deeper into the complex meanings of each tarot card, prior to practicing this form of divination. 

Further Resources:

The book includes:
Lessons on how to consider one card by itself, how to look for card pairs, and how to create the “story” of a reading
Contains two pages of information for each card including a picture from the popular Rider Waite deck, a description, keywords, action phrases, and suggestions for cards with similar and opposite meanings
How to work with reversed cards to give tarot readings a natural flow of high points and low points without abrupt transitions
Practical insights on how to work with and interpret a wide variety of tarot spreads

Tarot: An Introduction

The Tarot: Major Arcana

The Tarot Minor Arcana: Introduction and Suit of Pentacles

Basic meanings for the upright and reversed positions for each of the cards in the Suit of Wands in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.