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The Kingfisher: Facts, Folklore and More

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I was exposed to a huge variety of Flora and Fauna in the beautiful nature that is Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. My favorite was and still is the coastal region of the PNW. It is common to see Terns, Seagulls, Orcas, Sea Lions and more. One little colorful and energetic coastal bird that is quite common to see, especially around the Columbia river bar is the Belted Kingfisher.

Recently after reading a small excerpt from one of my books and discussion with a close friend of mine I had quite the revelation that my bird spirit animal is indeed the Kingfisher. Making all four spirit animals of mine marine animals (Canadian Coastal Wolf, Hammerhead Shark, Giant Manta Ray and Kingfisher).

So with today’s blog post I want to cover the facts, folklore and spiritual meaning of this beautiful and very important species.

Kingfisher facts

kingfisher, any of about 90 species of birds in three families (Alcedinidae, Halcyonidae, and Cerylidae), noted for their spectacular dives into water. They are worldwide in distribution but are chiefly tropical. Kingfishers, ranging in length from 10 to 42 cm (4 to 16.5 inches), have a large head, a long and massive bill, and a compact body. Their feet are small, and, with a few exceptions, the tail is short or medium-length. Most species have vivid plumage in bold patterns, and many are crested.

These vocal, colourful birds are renowned for their dramatic hunting techniques. Typically, the bird sits still, watching for movement from a favourite perch. Having sighted its quarry, it plunges into the water and catches the fish usually no deeper than 25 cm (10 inches) below the surface in its dagger-shaped bill. With a swift downstroke of the wings, it bobs to the surface. It then takes the prey back to the perch and stuns the fish by beating it against the perch before swallowing it. Many species also eat crustaceans, amphibians, and reptiles. SOURCE

More Fun Facts

  • Kingfishers have something called a nictitating membrane which is a thin translucent eyelid that protects their eyes when they dive underwater.
  • When they breed they build their nest burrow into the stone-free sandy soil of a low stream bank. These burrows can also be utilized by Swallows.
  • You won’t see these birds near polluted waters since the fish population is not big enough to support them. Each Kingfisher needs to eat its body weight in fish everyday.
  • Males and females will combine their territories during breeding season in order to feed their young. During the colder months they will often divide their summer territory. Each territory covers about 1km of river. SOURCE
A Belted Kingfisher relaxing on the shores of the Columbia river bar Chinook Harbor, Wa. SOURCE

Cool facts of the Belted Kingfisher

  • The breeding distribution of the Belted Kingfisher is limited in some areas by the availability of suitable nesting sites. Human activity, such as road building and digging gravel pits, has created banks where kingfishers can nest and allowed the expansion of the breeding range.
  • The Belted Kingfisher is one of the few bird species in which the female is more brightly colored than the male. Among the nearly 100 species of kingfishers, the sexes often look alike. In some species the male is more colorful, and in others the female is.
  • During breeding season the Belted Kingfisher pair defends a territory against other kingfishers. A territory along a stream includes just the streambed and the vegetation along it, and averages 0.6 mile long. The nest burrow is usually in a dirt bank near water. The tunnel slopes upward from the entrance, perhaps to keep water from entering the nest. Tunnel length ranges from 1 to 8 feet.
  • As nestlings, Belted Kingfishers have acidic stomachs that help them digest bones, fish scales, and arthropod shells. But by the time they leave the nest, their stomach chemistry apparently changes, and they begin regurgitating pellets which accumulate on the ground around fishing and roosting perches. Scientists can dissect these pellets to learn about the kingfisher’s diet without harming or even observing any wild birds.
  • Belted Kingfishers wander widely, sometimes showing up in the Galapagos Islands, Hawaii, the British Isles, the Azores, Iceland, Greenland, and the Netherlands.
  • Pleistocene fossils of Belted Kingfishers (to 600,000 years old) have been unearthed in Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and Texas. The oldest known fossil in the kingfisher genus is 2 million years old, found in Alachua County, Florida. SOURCE
The Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher is one of the most enigmatic and rarely filmed birds in the world. This fascinating documentary spends a year with them as they survive monsoons, droughts and predators to raise their brood for the next season.

Kingfisher as a Spirit Animal

In Polynesia, where the bird is sacred, the Kingfisher represents control over the seas. The connection is easy to see when you learn about the Kingfishers’ preference for living near water bodies where they can find food. Some clever Kingfishers even take to stocked backyard ponds!

When Kingfisher arrives in your life as a Spirit Animal, it heralds a time of abundance and peace. You have harvested the results of competent labor and begin attracting good fortune. Rejoice! Open your wings and fly on the winds of prosperity. Kingfisher will pull you back, however, if you misuse the blessing.

Kingfisher sometimes arrives as a Spirit Animal when you struggle with a specific fear. Kingfisher teaches you how to invoke courage and tackle anything coming your way head-on. The fear you experience may be because of an “unknown”- something you won’t truly discover until you reach the horizon. Kingfisher Spirit reminds you, such situations can open the way to expanded consciousness. Transform fear into anticipation.

The Kingfisher Spirit Animal brings new things into your life. Perhaps there will be a change in careers, a potential mate, or a skill you’ve been trying to develop. Whatever focus the Kingfisher brings, stick to it. Keep it in your sights. The best part? You will have a ton of fun.
For individuals who struggle with self-expression, the Kingfisher is a welcome ally. Explore the words you use and how you use them. Think about body language. Apply the psychic gifts you have for tapping into intent. If you heed your Spirit Animal’s advice, people will see you, hear you, and understand you fully.

Take a dive into the wonderful and diverse world of kingfishers. Explore their physical characteristics and how they differ between the different families, the habitats in which they abide and what they eat (not all is what it seems!) and the countries where they are found. Discover over 50 species of kingfisher and what makes them all incredibly unique.

Celtic symbolism connects the kingfisher to serenity, patience, and the vibrant beauty of nature. The way that kingfishers wait for their prey alongside ponds and streams evokes a sense of tranquility and watchfulness. The Welsh poet William Henry Davies wrote of the kingfisher in his 1910 poem of the same name:

“It was the Rainbow gave thee birth,
And left thee all her lovely hues;
And, as her mother’s name was Tears,
So runs it in my blood to choose
For haunts the lonely pools, and keep
In company with trees that weep.
Go you and, with such glorious hues,
Live with proud peacocks in green parks;
On lawns as smooth as shining glass,
Let every feather show its marks;
Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings
Before the windows of proud kings.
Nay, lovely Bird, thou art not vain;
Thou hast no proud, ambitious mind;
I also love a quiet place
That’s green, away from all mankind;
A lonely pool, and let a tree
Sigh with her bosom over me”

William Henry Davies

Kingfisher in Dreams

Dreaming of a kingfisher is largely a positive experience which indicates the start of a peaceful or joyous period in one’s life. A kingfisher’s appearance in a dream may mean that you have entered a period of rest or calm, and that you should take this time to renew yourself and acknowledge your blessings with gratitude.

A kingfisher dream may also indicate longing. It may be a sign that your energy is too focused on something unattainable. Be especially cautious about nostalgia. The past is perhaps the most unattainable object of all; you can only move forward. SOURCE

More than one hundred species of kingfishers brighten every continent but Antarctica. Not all are fishing birds. They range in size from the African dwarf kingfisher to the laughing kookaburra of Australia. This first book to feature North America’s belted kingfisher is a lyrical story of observation, revelation, and curiosity in the presence of flowing waters.

The kingfisher—also known as the halcyon bird—is linked to the mythic origin of halcyon days, a state of happiness that Marina Richie hopes to find outside her back door in Missoula, Montana. Epiphanies and a citizen science discovery punctuate days tracking a bird that outwits at every turn. The female is more colorful than the male (unusual and puzzling) and the birds’ earthen nest holes are difficult to locate.

While the heart of the drama takes place on Rattlesnake Creek in Missoula, the author’s adventures in search of kingfisher kin on the lower Rio Grande, in South Africa, and in London illuminate her relationships with the birds of Montana. In the quiet of winter, she explores tribal stories of the kingfisher as messenger and helper, pivotal qualities for her quest. For all who love birds or simply seek solace in nature, Halcyon Journey is an inviting introduction to the mythic and mysterious belted kingfisher.

Kingfisher Encounters and Omens

An encounter with a kingfisher is often a sign that you need to slow down and exercise some patience. Kingfishers are the ultimate stoics, placidly surveying the water below for as long as it takes. If you encounter a kingfisher, it may mean that you must wait in order to achieve your goal.

Additionally, a kingfisher encounter may be an invitation to stop and smell the roses. Do your best to enjoy the present without fixating on a singular goal or desire. Nature’s beauty is all around us and it never costs a dime. The kingfisher reminds us to be grateful for what we have and for all of the amazing things that we have the opportunity to experience each day. SOURCE

Kingfishers in Folklore and Mythology

The kingfisher is a small blue and orange bird that can be found in most of the world. In Greek mythology, Alcyone, a Thessalian princess, and Ceyx, the son of Lucifer, were married. They sometimes called themselves Zeus and Hera. This angered Zeus and he threw a thunderbolt at Ceyx’s ship while he was out to sea. Ceyx was killed. Morpheus, the god of dreams, came to Alcyone in a dream as Ceyx and told her of his fate. Alcyone was overcome and drowned herself. The gods took pity on them and turned them both into kingfishers. Kingfishers were also known as Halcyons in Ancient Greece. Any days of calm and peacefulness are called Halcyon days.

Polynesians believed the sacred kingfisher had control over the water and the waves.

Different Native American tribes have different symbolism for kingfishers. According to Makkah legend, when the earth was populated by the Two-Men-Who-Changed-Things, they turned a fisherman who was also a thief into the kingfisher. The white feathers around the kingfisher’s neck were the shells from the necklace that the thief had stolen. A kingfisher on a totem pole represents speed, agility, luck, and patience. The Sioux associate the kingfisher with fertility. Most North Coast Indians view the kingfisher as a sign of good luck.

The Dusun people in Malaysia consider the kingfisher a bad omen. Warriors who saw a kingfisher when going into battle were supposed to return home.

In China, kingfishers are symbols for faithfulness and happy marriages.

In Sabah, from 1982-88 the coat of arms depicted a kingfisher. Traditional fishermen considered the kingfisher a messenger of the gods. SOURCE

This is the story of an animal filmmaker who fulfilled a childhood dream: a documentary, featuring the reclusive and rare kingfisher. The material was not shot in some distant country; it was made here in Germany, in the centre of Europe’s green heart, near a tributary of the Rhine. Animal filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann used to admire the flying diamond even as a small child. As an adult, he could at last capture this beautiful bird on film – closer and more intensive than ever before. The results enable us to share his observations as if we had actually participated in the film our-selves. Watch the kingfisher, caught on the wing whilst hunting. Experience how elegantly and powerfully the bird breaks the surface of the water, thereby catching small fish. Enjoy detailed footage of the exciting family life of these fascinating animals. The film reveals the secret life of the timid kingfisher, from the beginning of territorial conflicts in spring, the digging of a breeding hollow and the hostile attacks of a sparrow hawk, to the persistent expelling of the young birds from the parental territory – all captured in truly unique pictures. Experience a passionate and unforgettable documentary. Look forward to this delightful declaration of love to our wild nature – and to the flying diamond.

There is so much more I could add regarding this amazing global species known as the Kingfisher but I feel I have covered a really good amount of content. Even as I put this blog post together I have felt a deeper connection to the Kingfisher and even plan to purchase the book I found for this post. I feel like I personally need to learn more about this species and specifically focus on the Belted Kingfisher which I absolutely intend to do.

Further Resources

The Myth of Halcyon – Halcyon Days

Kingfisher Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Meanings of Kingfisher

The Ancient Greeks Believed Kingfishers Were Born of Epic Love

Native American Kingfisher Mythology

Take on Nature: Why the kingfisher is known as ‘the halcyon bird’

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The Magic of Coastal Plants

The Magic of Coastal Plants by W1tchsbrew

Be sure to check her Etsy shop Wood ov Wyrd

Coastal Plant Life

There are many well-known plants throughout the world that have been documented for their esthetic,  medicinal uses and spiritual properties. From trees and grasses to soils, stones and flowers; the nature of this planet we inhabit has always been, not only beautiful, but extremely useful. 

One of the lesser explored subjects regarding vegetation, is that of coastal plant life. 

Naturally occurring coastal plants have adapted to their harsh environment by developing strategies such as fleshy, tough leaves to conserve moisture and withstand salty wind. 

Although the species variety of coastal plant life is vast, there are a few that stand out, not only for their medicinal uses, but their spiritual impact as well.

Sea Thrift

What is it?

Sea Thrift or “Armeria Maritima” is one of the many plants that might be found in coastal salt marshes, pastures and maritime cliffs. 

This colorful flower can be found near coasts all over the world and thrives in dry, sandy turf as well as somewhat acidic soils. Sea Thrift tolerates and processes salt but doesn’t necessarily need saline soils as habitat. Occasionally, it can also be found in dry woods or in gaunt meadows. In comparison to its tolerance of drought and maritime exposure, Sea Thrift does not do well in shade and prefers a more direct subjection to sunlight. This plant blooms mainly in the late spring and early summer seasons and is pollinated by a variety of insects including bees, flies, beetles and Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies). 

Medicinal Uses:

This dried flowering plant can be made into an antibiotic and has been used in the treatment of obesity, some nervous disorders and urinary infections. However, it cannot be used externally due to causing dermatitis or local irritation.

Metephysical Uses:

Sea Thrift is an excellent plant to aid in staying well-grounded and maintaining a core equilibrium or inner harmony – no matter how erratic the environment. 

This flower is also believed to help free the circulation of mental, physical and spiritual energy for a more balanced state of being. Just hanging around these plants will impart this.

Sea Kale

What is it?

Sea Kale, also known as “Crambe Maritima”, grows wild along the coasts of Europe, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea. As a relative of cabbage, Sea Kale was first cultivated as a vegetable in Britain around the turn of the 18th century. The blanched stems are eaten and became more popular in the mid-19th century. Known by a variety of names, including sea-colewort and scurvy-grass, this plant was often pickled for long sea voyages to prevent scurvy. 

Sea Kale can be grown even in completely landlocked regions so long as it falls within a cool, moist climate.

Medicinal Uses:

Sea kale is an excellent source of vitamin C and also contains some calcium, vitamin B6, magnesium, and manganese.

It even contains anti-cancer properties as well as antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and purifying properties. Historically, Sea Kale leaves were used in healing wounds, the seed juice for gastritis and the fruits for removing worms.

It also boosts the immune system, improves metabolism and can help with weight gain.

Metaphysical Uses:

Sea Kale is mainly used in spiritual practices for its ability to bring about prosperity and abundance. Whether attracting wealth, promoting growth or cultivating healing energies, Sea Kale is the perfect go to.

This beautifully illustrated book introduces readers to 125 frequently encountered wildflowers and other plants that grow in coastal habitats from Massachusetts to central Florida. Drawn from the authors’ many years of studying, photographing, and teaching others about plants and their habitats, this handy guide will appeal to everyone from the budding naturalist out to enjoy a day at the beach to the professional scientist seeking accurate, current information about coastal plants.


What is it?

Seaweed has a history of thriving in oceans, lakes and rivers and is part of the algae family or “singular alga”. There are over 10,000 species of seaweed, but they are all categorized into three main types (brown, green and red).

For more about this coastal plant be sure to check out my other post All About Seaweed.

Medicinal Uses:

The health benefits of seaweed have been utilized for hundreds of years. It has been used for dietary purposes such as metabolism or promoting good gut bacteria and has been included in skin care treatment for some diseases including rheumatism. 

Metaphysical Uses:

Seaweed is believed to be very useful for its banishing powers and is commonly used as a sort of “negative energy repellent”. It is also thought to aid in recovering from trauma, reducing stress, balancing emotion, attracting prosperity and cleansing one’s aura. Are you a Sea Witch? This is the plant for you.

Common Gorse 

What is it?

Common Gorse, scientifically known as “Ulex europaeus”, is a large, evergreen shrub, covered in needle-like leaves and distinctive, coconut-perfumed, yellow flowers. This plant can be seen along the coast growing in grasslands, wetlands, near beaches and in neighboring towns. It generally flowers from January to June, although it may flower sporadically throughout the year. It provides shelter and food for many insects and birds, such as Dartford warblers, stonechats and yellowhammers. Traditionally, Common Gorse was regularly collected from common-land for a number of purposes including fuel for firing bread ovens, fodder for livestock and was even bound to make floor and chimney brushes. 

Medicinal Uses:

In Irish folk medicine, Common Gorse was widely used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, tuberculosis, asthma, heartburn, hiccups, jaundice, heart problems, dermatitis, ringworm, swellings, and as a general tonic. 

This plant can even be strained as a tea, made into an essential oil, or used in skin care. In cosmetics, organic gorse extract helps to address the signs of ageing due to its skin firming and tightening effect. 

Metaphysical Uses:

Traditionally, Common Gorse was sometimes used as a boundary between fields. It is often used in spirituality, not only for setting boundaries, but as protection and an aid in restoration as well. Manifesting prosperity and gathering strength are also very common uses for this plant in spiritual workings. Common Gorse can be used in money spells and is believed to attract good fortune. 

This easy-to-use field guide features 794 species of plants commonly found along the Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska, including trees, shrubs, wildflowers, aquatic plants, grasses, ferns, mosses and lichens. PLANTS OF COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA covers the entire length of the British Columbia coast, from shoreline to alpine. Includes: * 1100 color photographs * More than 1000 line drawings and silhouettes * Clear species descriptions and keys to groups * Descriptions of each plant’s habitat and range * 794 new color range maps. * Rich and engaging notes on each species describe aboriginal and other local uses of plants for food, medicine and implements, along with unique characteristics of the plants and the origins of their names. For both amateurs and professionals, this is the best, most accessible, most up-to-date guide of its kind.


What is it?

Seagrasses are the only flowering plants which grow in marine environments. Most species of seagrass are perennials (being recurrent and having a life span of two years or more) and are visible throughout the year.

Seagrasses grow in salty and brackish waters (semi salty) around the world, typically along gently sloping, protected coastlines. Because they depend on light for photosynthesis, they are most commonly found in shallow depths where light levels are high. In some places, seagrasses are made into useful objects such as rugs and even roofing. These marine plants are very important nurseries for sea life of all sorts.

Medicinal Uses:

Seagrass meadows can reduce disease causing bacterial pathogens by >50%, to the benefit of humans and adjacent coral reefs alike.

In folk medicine, seagrasses have been used for a variety of remedial purposes such as the treatment of fever and skin diseases, muscle pains, wounds, stomach problems, and as a remedy against the stings of different kinds of rays.

Metaphysical Uses:

If you have the patience, you can dry out and ‘weave’ a ball of seagrass and hang it up in your home to provide protection. But, aside from the home and hearth, seagrass can be utilized in all sorts of protection spells, knot magic, and as a tool for attracting abundance. Do you think the sailors of history may have perhaps used seagrass in knot magic as a way to work with their ocean deities? So do I.

Sea Oats

What are they?

Sea Oats, also known as “Uniola paniculata”, is considered an important plant in terms of its integral role in sand dune formation and stabilization. So much so that it has been given special protected status by the state of Florida where is illegal to destroy or remove without a permit. Sea Oats is a perennial grass and is long lived, slow growing, and is commonly associated with the upper dunes along beach fronts. It produces a large seed head, or panicle, during summer months. Sea Oats are very drought tolerant and produce a massive root system. It withstands salt water spray and thrives in areas with blowing sand, which promotes the plant’s growth and helps it spread. 

Medicinal Uses:

In the past, Sea Oats have been cooked and eaten as a cereal. Although it isn’t traditionally known for medicinal purposes, the dried stocks of these plants were sometimes used for wound care, as a method to help dry out the wound.

Metaphysical Uses: 

Sea Oats are believed to be quite useful in spirituality when manifesting protection or abundance. The seeds can be used as an offering when working with Oceanic deities and are seen as an excellent “exchange gift” when asking for guidance, protection or blessings of any kind. Sea Oats can also be used to aid in grounding, growth, and endurance. Now that’s a breakfast of champions. 

Seaside Daisy 

What is it?

Seaside Daisy, scientifically “Erigeron glaucus”, is a wildflower native to the coastline of Oregon and California where it grows on beaches, coastal bluffs and sand dunes. Its flowering seasons are Winter, Spring and Summer. This flower supports several insect species  including butterflies, moths, bees and caterpillars. Seaside Daisies prefer full sun exposure but will tolerate a small amount of shade. It is also extremely resilient in the cold, withstanding temperatures from 15F*. Seaside Daisies can tolerate frost, wind, salt soils and heat, making it an all-around tough little flower.

Erigeron is Greek for “an old man in the spring,” referring to the Seaside Daisy’s early flowering and fluffy white seed heads. 

Medicinal Uses:

Seaside Daisy can be made into tea for coughs, bronchitis, disorders of the liver and kidneys, and swelling or inflammation. It can also be used as a drying agent (astringent) and as a “blood purifier.” Some people take homeopathic wild daisy for preventing problems during childbirth, pain and soreness, and minor bleeding.

Metaphysical Uses:

Seaside Daisy flowers hold deep symbolic and spiritual significance. The ancient Greeks believed that the Daisy flower was a symbol of purity, and used it in wreaths to crown their athletic heroes. In medieval times, it was connected with innocence, victory, purity, and was frequently used in art and literature. Seaside Daisies can be associated with loyalty, new beginnings, purity, love, and are believed to encourage positive energy and good fortune. This plant can also be used in healing rituals or protection spells. Having been spiritually and symbolically utilized for hundreds of years, the Seaside Daisy is one of the most special plants you’ll find near the coast.

From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. Protecting these habitats is a battle humanity must win.
“An incredibly thorough guide for identifying, harvesting, and utilizing medicinal plants.” —Dr. Deborah Frances RN, ND Naturopathic physician, herbalist, author, and lecturer

In Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants, Scott Kloos is your trusted guide to finding, identifying, harvesting, and using 120 of the region’s most powerful wild plants. You’ll learn how to safely and ethically forage, and how to use wild plants in herbal medicines including teas, tinctures, and salves. Plant profiles include clear, color photographs, identification tips, medicinal uses and herbal preparations, and harvesting suggestions. Lists of what to forage for each season makes the guide useful year-round. Thorough, comprehensive, and safe, this is a must-have for foragers, naturalists, and herbalists in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and northern California.